

Last updated: 26-04-2023

Basic Information

Born In:
  • Unknown
Last Known Location:


  • Keyboards

Band timeline:




"I moved to Cambridge in 1973 having been touring with rock bands based in Bristol and London and soon started playing with musicians in Cambridge. In 1980 I met some guys in the music shop I was working in who were putting together a reggae band with a rockish twist which was called Hondo. We recorded several singles at the famous Spaceward Studios in Cambridge and Stretham and was featured on the Cambridge album, Honey For tea.
My proudest moments in Cambridge were playing headline at the Rock Against Racism ball in 1980 and in the same year playing the Kings May Ball following Elvis Costello's blinding set. In 1994 I founded the not for profit music organisation Gateway To Music, which became RockTech some years later. We saw over 2000 young musicians enjoying rock schools with concerts at the Boat Race, Junction, Corn Exchange and Cambridge Rock Festival and hundreds of workshops at the Howard Mallett, CRC, The Junction and The Warehouse and many outside Cambridge too. And sadly, the Elena EP. I wrote 4 songs for a lovely Italian lady who was very ill. She had a wonderful voice and we managed to cobble together the EP and perfom it live shortly before she died. Her family ran Clowns Cafe in King Street for many years.
I have worked on lots of music projects, played with many many great musicians and played in some really great bands but more importantly, made many friends and met so many wonderful people. I'm close to my 65th birthday now and time to retire (no chance) to a beautiful house overlooking a bay in St Margret's Hope in Orkney where I'm joining a prog rock band with a feel for the isles. It will be touring in 2019 so hope to fit in Cambridge on the tour. I have loved living in Cambridge, it's a great city and loved the Mill Road area but it's time to move on." [From Paul Maguire Facebook page]